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  • Organize activities to nurture the spirit of brotherhood and kinship among Muslims and Non Muslim in Southeast Asia.
  • Perform work towards the empowerment of Muslim Southeast Asia through increased knowledge, discipline construction, skills and developing self-reliance and moral values.
  • Organize a community program to provide welfare services and humanitarian aids to the Muslim community in particular and the society in in South East Asia in general.
  • Contribute energy, skill and cooperation in tackling global issues and Southeast Asian .
  • Stating voice and conviction which based on the truth, knowledge and universal welfare.
  • Organised in collaboration with the bodies at national and international levels in order to achieve these objectives.
  • Organize a program to gather strength among Southeast Asian communities that have the same awareness.

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Organizing any activities order to inculcate a spirit of brotherhood and among family members and the community.

Perform work towards community empowerment through increased knowledge, construction discipline, skills and resources to build self-esteem in handling problems and concerns were global issues national level and International with the understanding the basic values of strengthening the core harmony and well being.

Provide community program to provide welfare services and assistance humanitarian to all people irrespective of religion, race and country.

Organizing in collaboration with agencies at the national and international in an effort to achieve above objectives.

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