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For enquiries not addressed in the FAQ, please get in touch with us via our online contact form, or drop an email to


Can I donate goods such as clothing and other to help the effected people?

Yes we accept any kind of donation but we do encourage contributions in cash because to avoid any substantial cost of shipping goods and cost of storage at the disaster location.

Harum  Malaysia is able to purchase supplies in local regions or closer to the affected areas. This to ensures that the donation from the public is channeled to the people who need it most, and not utilised to cover unnecessarily cost.

I dont hold any Malaysian bank account, can i still donate?

We welcome donations from all country,

If you do not have a Malaysian bank account, you can choose to donate by using credit card. Please note that you will be charged according to currency at the current rate set by your credit card company.

What is the currency use to donate?

All transactions will be in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) but if you are a non-Malaysian, you will be charged according to your  currency at the current rate set by your credit card company.

Is there a minimum or maximum donation amount in a single online transfer?

There is no minimum or maximum amount in a single transfer through our online payment gateway.   However,  please be aware that the maximum limit per transaction will be imposed by your credit card limit, or by your financial institution.

Payment Method

How can i donate?

There are several payment options:

  1. Online Banking (Direct Transfer)
  2. Payment Gateway (Credit Card/FPX Payment)
  3. Cheque Payment.

Does HaRUM accept Cheque?

Yes, we accept cheque made payable to Pertubuhan Ikatan Kekeluargaan Rumpun Nusantara. You can mail the cheque to us using our office address, or bank-in directly to our account as highlighted above.

Can i use my credit card or debit card for online donation?

Yes, senangPay will accept any transaction as long as the card bears a Visa or MasterCard logo

Do i have to pay any fee for the transaction?

No, all transaction fee is inclusive of the bank and card company charges.

Security & Technical

How secure is my information if i'm using my credit card?

HaRUM did not view or capture your credit card detail.

All payment are handled by senangPay.  senangPay uses SSL (secure socket layer) connections for each transaction. In addition they do not store any sensitive information such as credit / debit card. Every credit / debit / internet banking (FPX) transaction must use 3D-Secure where the 6-digit code will be sms to the mobile for confirmation. senangpay also have their own ‘Fraud Detection’ internal system.

On our part, our donation page is hosted on a secure server to ensure integrity of data and security of your transaction.

Can i trust senangPay?

Yes. senangPay is an ONLINE PAYMENT GATEWAY service that is run by a registered company. Please go to our company’s website.

Is senangPay registered with Bank Negara?

Yes. senangPay has registered with Bank Negara. Kindly proceed to Bank Negara website for verification.

Who is senangPay acquiring bank?

senangPay acquiring bank is BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA. Please contact BANK ISLAM for more information.

Why does on my credit card statement say ""?

All payments are processed by senangPay, thus the transaction will appear as “” or “Simplepay Gateway Sdn Bhd.” on your credit card statement

Tax Exemption Receipt (Malaysian Only)

Does my donation tax-exempted?

Malaysian citizen are entitled for tax relief for cash donations under sub-section 44 (6) of Income Tax Act 1967.

Is there any maximum limit for me to be eligible for tax relief?

There are no limit of donation amount but to be eligible for tax-exemption are subject to approval from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.

What information do you need for me to get a tax-exempt receipt?

We require additional details from you:

  • FOR INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS, We require your full name and your Malaysian Identity Card Number.
  • FOR CORPORATE DONATIONS, We require your Company’s full name and registration number.

If i lost the original receipt, can i get a replacement receipt?

Please take note that we can only issue a certified true copy receipt to replace the receipt that you have lost.

[div extra=”cta”][anchor href=”” extra=”btn btn-primary pull-right”]Donate Now[/anchor][paragraph extra=””]Let’s share our happiness to the world out there. Donate now[/paragraph][/div]

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